Cluster funding
New mechanisms, processes and funds have been developed as part of the IASC's Humanitarian Reform (2005) and Transformative Agenda (2011).
They are for life saving purposes and available to cluster members at the country level.
There are two important mechanisms which between 1999 and 2006 raised USD 19 billion, namely:
- Flash appeal - an appeal made to donors on behalf of cluster members within 7 days of a sudden on-set emergency for the first three to six months of the response
- Consolidated appeal - an appeal made to donors on behalf of cluster members for a crisis which is not quickly resolved and for which additional funding is required beyond that obtained from the Flash Appeal.
There is one important process:
- Consolidated appeals process (CAP), this is an inclusive process leading to the development of a Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) which forms an important part of the Consolidated appeal. The CAP is a natural development of the more ad-hoc process used to develop the Flash Appeal.
There is one important source (other smaller funds exist at country level):
- Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which can fund both Flash and Consolidated appeals. USD 1,4 billion was allocated from the CERF in the period from March 2006 to November 2009.
Donors support the cluster approach as a means of ensuring better coordination; they may favour cluster members when making funding decisions.
For further information see Cheat sheet: Appeals and CERF